Most freelancers I know are masters of making– possessing the technical skills and providing the tools to help others scale their businesses, practices, hobbies and more. But for as much as we love to chat about where we see our tools creating impact, we don’t always talk about the business-running basics. Or if we do, we're not totally sure we're doing it right.
If you have any experience as a freelancer, you know working on the nuts and bolts of your business is often an afterthought. However, prioritizing your business is essential to growing your craft. This week, we sat down with Aly Robins to get a business coach’s perspective on how to build your business from the ground up.
Aly knows firsthand that growing your business can be difficult. So, she’s broken down the need-to-knows into 6 key categories: Mindset, Leadership, What You Offer, Marketing, Sales and Backend Management.
Naturally, most of us will fluctuate between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset. Choosing a growth mindset when approaching your business lays the groundwork for growth and innovation, reminding you that your current skillset and clientele are a starting point instead of the finish line.
Leadership is just as necessary in building a strong foundation. You are the only individuals responsible for growing our business– nobody else is going to do it for you. Taking charge is a critical step towards shaping your dreams.
Knowing that what you offer isn’t for everyone is often overlooked by freelancers seeking to build a client base. However, crafting an offer that is yours– not just like everyone else’s– will not only make your work stand out, but also more fulfilling and profitable.
Effective marketing makes sure your business stays visible and relevant in a sea of others vying for the same projects. While social media is one of the fastest ways to grow your audience, it isn’t one-size-fits-all. Your marketing strategy should be tailored to your offerings.
For most people, asking for the sale is the most uncomfortable part of the process. But developing selling skills will change your business and your life. Suddenly, selling with confidence feels like you aren’t selling at all.
And finally, we must grease all of these wheels with effective backend management. Efficient management ensures smooth workflows, streamlined processes and operational resilience– not to mention a stellar client experience.
This article is based on a virtual mastermind from the Get Freelancing Community, that dives even deeper into everything discussed here. Catch the replay for free right here.